Sunday, January 4, 2009

Project 365, Day 4...

Project 365, January 4, 2009

Wow!! I can’t believe that I have accomplished this much in one weekend.. I am wondering if it is because I needed to take another picture for today, and was determined to redeem myself from the embarrassment of the pictures posted yesterday. Either way, it is done! I am so excited.

On another note, church was great today, I am so glad I went. I laid in bed and thought about just cheating and watching it on the internet, but I made a promise to myself that I was going to get spiritually fit, so I jumped out of bed and got ready in a flash. There is just something about being surrounded by people that care about you and want to build you up! A couple things I got from last week and this week…

People who Trust much, rarely Worry
People who Worry much, rarely Trust

Much Love, Little Fear
Much Fear, Little Love

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect Love drives out fear.

I have been so afraid to get close to God again because I constantly feel like I will be tested, and people will be taken away. I have lost my mom, a brother, a sister, a niece… But I can’t do this without Him anymore. Fear is not from HIM!!! I feel like a broken record… I just need to believe it!!!

Here is a great article on this scripture from Joyce Meyer.

God Bless! Try loving on someone today!!

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