April 25, 2010
Ramdom Thoughts
Today has been a wonderful day. I got cleaning done, I organized my scraproom (again) and even managed to live through 4 drives with Abby. She is just learning to drive, and let me tell you, it is hilarious (once I am out of the car of course).
I was able to talk a little bit with my sister, that was nice. But hard. Our family has changed so much and experienced so much loss! I know that is normal, it just isn't a normal I have to like!
I have a lot of random thoughts going on in my head, I think I need to slow down, and think or do one thing at a time.
I really want to get my faithbooking group back up and running, that will be my task this week. A friend volunteered to help, so I will call her and start planning! I have so much to be thankful for, it needs to be scrapbooked!!
Here is a layout I worked on today (and one I finally finished)... yes I am still in 1997 for Abby's books!! I constantly have to tell myself when I get overwelmed that Bethany and Joey's books are all done!! So don't judge me :) haha.

I love when I have a couple minutes to read my favorite blogs... I think I am going to make time for that at least a couple times a week!
I will leave with a verse I saw on someone's facebook today...
1 John 4:13 We know that we live in Him and He in us , because He has given us His Spirit.
Galations 5:22 The Spirit helps bring forth the character of God in our lives..
I want my character to reflect Him...
wow. we need to get you scrapping faster...Lucas will be graduating from High School before you start on his book :) just kidding!! check out this scrap room...i want it!!
love you :)