Project 365 February 23, 2009
I don't make a habit of talking to inanimate objects, and I don't really have this obsession with 'angels' like you might think. A few years before my mom passed away I began buying her angels, I am not even sure why. But my stepdad gave me this angel back for my birthday. She sits on my dresser and I seem question her alot.. she never talks back, it isn't like I have two way conversations with her... I just mention things to her, that I might talk to my mom about if she were here... so yes, I am insane.. but it makes me feel better. So there.
I have a plant in my bedroom that I took from my grandma's apartment when she died 12 years ago. I have been able to keep it alive (which is a miracle alone). When I water it I find myslef thinking of her. It's strange, her Birthday is in March and she died in October...each year during those months the plant blooms this beautiful white flower. It's like she is telling me she is still with me. I miss her so much and it makes me cry to even type this. I find myself talking to her all the time when I am taking care of her plant. I think it's Gods was of letting us heal.