Project 365, Day 9
It is probably cheating using this since I have to use it for another project a friend got me started on...not mentioning any names of course (Missey...) Some peer pressure is the best kind, I learned alot for this day's challenge!!
Revelation 4:8 Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."
If I am to reflect on the study that I am sure is meant to come with this verse, I have to ask myself a couple of questions.
Where do I fall short here? When was the last time I fell to the floor and just cried Holy, Holy, Holy? If He truly is my Past, Present and Future as this verse says, have I just taken that for granted. How often have I said His name without the reverence that He deserves?
Thankfully, He is a God of second and third chances…
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