A Day In The Life....Scrapbooking My Faith and Family.
I not only want to preserve the heritage of my family for future generations, I want them to know of my faith!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Sunday, December 19, 2010
On the fifth and sixth day of Christmas!

Yesterday I took my little sister out for her 42nd Birthday, then came home and spent the evening with Abby wrapping presents and listening to Christmas carols. Today Abby, Olivia and I wrapped more presents, then me and Olivia made wonderful Christmas Cupcakes!!
Peanut Butter fudge is next... a family favorite!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
3rd and 4th Day of Christmas!
For the past two days I have tried to focus on doing things for others.. It was difficult because I am still dealing with alot of pain. But I am moving forward! Christmas is so different with older children... The exciting gifts are no longer on their lists, but more practical things. I long for the day when I am back to the toys for grandchildren! But until then I will try my best to make my kids understand the true meaning of the season :) Tomorrow, Abby and I decided we are back to food, baking... the fun part of holidays... :)
No worries... part of baking is also random acts of kindness.... I love to feed neighbors!
No worries... part of baking is also random acts of kindness.... I love to feed neighbors!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
On the second day of Christmas.... Chicken and Dumplins!

Day Two... (definately needed pain medicine... swelling and bruising is not consisitent with trying to be festive!)
If you know me.. you know I don't do flour.. I am afraid of it, I don't get the right consistency for anything.. So, I was going to try to make dumplins with Pillsbury grands, cut in quarters, like the website... the looks I got from my husband... well let's just say he deserves a wife that can do this!! He is amazing in the kitchen, and I am invading his space!! He is a nervous wreck! So I did it... I made my own dumplins flour and all!! I am kind of excited.. and I can tell he is too :) I love doing things for them.. my family!!
Tomorrow will have to be something crafty... He is on duty and won't be here to clean his kitchen.. since I don't put the spices back the right way!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wow.. I followed thru on the first of 12 days of Christmas!

So... it happened I finally got out of my cast!! Stitches are out... still swollen and bruised... but I have to do something more than sit on my couch!!!!
So I decided to make four loaves of homemade banana bread!! I just happened to have 8 bananas that are going bad fast and a basket full of nuts that I can crack! So yes... I made my bread!
Then to top it off... I decided to do a random act of kindness... no pictures it would gross you out!! but I showered and shaved after they took my cast off for my hubby!!! I could not wait... oh I feel so much better!! God is Good!! My next surgery is scheduled for December 22... So I will have to plan ahead if I wanna stay on tract for my 12 days of Christmas!!
My 12 Days of Christmas!
My 12 Days of Christmas!
So I keep seeing things on different blogs, yes, just because I never update mine, does not mean I don’t look at others! Lol… But they are cute little things for the 12 days of Christmas…
I have no idea what I am going to do, but I am going to do it! Just trying to think of something. I have been out of the creative loop for a while now because I had to have ankle surgery, and my entire leg swells up just opening the door to that crazy room! So here are some ideas I think I will do for each day, not all, but I will try to incorporate one a day. Like everything else in my life, it may get tossed to the wayside when it comes time to post it, but I am going to try!!
- Make something crafty, homemade! Oh how I miss scrapbooking and crafting right now!
- Make something yummy! I have never been one to just read recipes, but suddenly I have been doing that and I have the urge to cook something for my family. (I hope I don’t throw my hubby into some sort of traumatic shock)
- Do something for someone else! Random Act of Kindness
- Spend quality time with Abby. (Last night we played Mad Gab and Catch Phrase for 2 hours, it doesn’t really make sense to play either of these games with only 2 people, but we laughed so hard!)
These are just some ideas… it may be the same one each day… or more than one each day… but I am going to do it!!!!
Hopefully, I will update you tonight with what I did today to start my 12 Days of Christmas!!!
Remember, (reminding myself over and over) forget the stress of the holiday… because Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
National Scrapbook Day Weekend!
People gave me lots of strange looks this weekend... I know I get really excited that there is a national holiday that gives me a reason to buy my favorite products and scrapbook!! That is ok :) It started yesterday morning when Susan and I jumped in the car and went to all the local stores... local is funny, because it seemed like forever in between stores!! We started off at B & B in Powell, then headed to Scrapbook Art at Polaris. There were balloons and festivities everywhere! Then we headed to Cord, because Jillibean was doing make and takes!!! We had so much fun :) Jill was there with lots of ideas. After that we headed to Pataskala to Scrappers Gallery then Reynoldsburg for Pizzaz it. We ended our shopping spree at Red Letter Journals!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April 25, 2010
Ramdom Thoughts
Today has been a wonderful day. I got cleaning done, I organized my scraproom (again) and even managed to live through 4 drives with Abby. She is just learning to drive, and let me tell you, it is hilarious (once I am out of the car of course).
I was able to talk a little bit with my sister, that was nice. But hard. Our family has changed so much and experienced so much loss! I know that is normal, it just isn't a normal I have to like!
I have a lot of random thoughts going on in my head, I think I need to slow down, and think or do one thing at a time.
I really want to get my faithbooking group back up and running, that will be my task this week. A friend volunteered to help, so I will call her and start planning! I have so much to be thankful for, it needs to be scrapbooked!!
Here is a layout I worked on today (and one I finally finished)... yes I am still in 1997 for Abby's books!! I constantly have to tell myself when I get overwelmed that Bethany and Joey's books are all done!! So don't judge me :) haha.

I love when I have a couple minutes to read my favorite blogs... I think I am going to make time for that at least a couple times a week!
I will leave with a verse I saw on someone's facebook today...
1 John 4:13 We know that we live in Him and He in us , because He has given us His Spirit.
Galations 5:22 The Spirit helps bring forth the character of God in our lives..
I want my character to reflect Him...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
His Ways Are Not Mine....
So after a long night of struggling with the happenings in this world, and being shaken about a friend suddenly losing her mother yesterday I am humbled by a verse from my bible study.. It isn't like I haven't heard it before, but it is a good reminder...
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, as the heavens are higher than the earh so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I don't have to know the plan, and be able to solve it.. there is a Mighty God who is in charge. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.. So thankful for His word, to calm my heart!!
Also on tap today... I needed to get a little organizing done!! :) Here is a stack of layouts that needed put in order so I could figure out where to go from here in Abby's baby books!!!
And here are her books!! Birth to age 1, and age 1 through age 5... I feel better!! Yay!!
Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, as the heavens are higher than the earh so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
I don't have to know the plan, and be able to solve it.. there is a Mighty God who is in charge. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.. So thankful for His word, to calm my heart!!
Also on tap today... I needed to get a little organizing done!! :) Here is a stack of layouts that needed put in order so I could figure out where to go from here in Abby's baby books!!!
And here are her books!! Birth to age 1, and age 1 through age 5... I feel better!! Yay!!

Too Many Thoughts To Sleep...

Today was such a busy day.... It started with a flat tire! I worked all day at the store and came home to watch baby Lucas Monroe.. He is such a sweet boy!
But as I sit here.. my mind is racing to the horrible things that are going on right this minute in Haiti. There is so much suffering I cannot understand. I believe that God still has a plan.. but Lord Help My Unbelief... I have been a Christian for more than half my life, yet sometimes I feel like I will never mature! Are there people out there that can grasp this, and not be shaken by the tragedy? My friend Sarah's husband is there and so is my cousin's daughter. Please say a prayer for their protection!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wow... I have not been here in months. I felt like coming back was facing the failure I made of my project 365. I rocked it for almost 4 months, and gave up. It was so fun, I am not sure why I gave up.
Sadly there have been many many things I have started, then gave up? I am not sure what it is about me that nevers finishes a race. Life gets in the way, I wonder what the percentage was of people who started the 365 and actually finished it?
So on with it.. I am happy to be back.. I am not sure what it is I have to say, nothing profound I am sure, but what is it that keeps people blogging?
Things that have happened since March:
Sadly there have been many many things I have started, then gave up? I am not sure what it is about me that nevers finishes a race. Life gets in the way, I wonder what the percentage was of people who started the 365 and actually finished it?
So on with it.. I am happy to be back.. I am not sure what it is I have to say, nothing profound I am sure, but what is it that keeps people blogging?
Things that have happened since March:
- Bethany graduated from Indiana Weslyan University with a Bachelors in Nursing...
- Joey is a Junior now at the same school, and recently accepted a pastor's position at Northwoods community church in Westfield Indiana.
- Abby is a sophomore at Grove City Highschool now.. and just got her temps!
- Joe is still the love of my life!
- I am still faithbooking, but the group is not doing well.. so I am pulling it together and probably going a different direction!
- My dogs are still adorable!!
- I am working on the Beth Moore "Breaking Free" bible study, and learning way too much about myself!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So Much For Spring being Sprung...

Project 365 March 12, 2009
Wow.. It was so cold! And it was really cold in my house today. That is what happens when you make a mistake and turn the heat off because it was so warm last week! Shiver Me Timbers!!!
Happy Thursday!
P.S. Please pray for Eric Fliyah. He is 20 years old and was taken to the hospital Monday only to find out he has cancer. They thought it was lymphoma, the latest news is that it could be a germ cell tumor. It is a large mass that has cause liquid to surround his heart, and causing him to have trouble breathing. He starts a hard chemo tomorrow.. even if you don't know him... please oh please just lift him up in your prayers. He is a great young man who loves Jesus and believes he will get through it!!! Thanks!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Has Spring Really Sprung??

I don't want to get to cocky with the whole weather thing... driving down the road I am noticing some pretty big buds on the trees... my tulips are sprouting all over the place!! Dare I say "Spring" I think we could all use a little sunshine. I think sun helps you recover... Don't you?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
She's So Far Away...

I seem to spend a lot of time looking at Bethany's empty bed.. (BTW Joey slept there last, she won't like this picture..) But I know she is going through such a rough time right now and I don't know how to make it better. I try to give advice on things I don't understand. I love her so much and know that God is going to do such great things in her life, the things she is going through are temporary, but I know they are huge and very hard for her. What is a mom to do... BUT SEND A CANDY CHEER PACKAGE!!! :) I Love
Her So Much!!... And have I mentioned she graduates from college and nursing school next month!! WOW!!

I can't possible be old enough to have a daughter who could be about to get a bachelors degree.. I am sure that is what you are thinking... All I can say is that you are right!! :)
But I would not change a thing in this amazing young woman's life!!!
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